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Adams County WI
Adams County, Wisconsin is located in Central Wisconsin with the County seat in Adams-Friendship. To the west is Wisconsin River which forms Lake Petenwell and Castle Rock Lake, WI’s 2nd and 4th largest inland bodies of water these waters shape Adams Cty’s west border. You can find plenty of land open to the public via Roche-A-Cri State Park, Colburn Wildlife Area, Quincy Bluffs and private land open to the public through various MFL – Manage Forest Land programs. Adams County is a big tourist hotspot due to its lakes, wildlife and locations to the larger cities like Chicago, Madison, Milwaukee Minneapolis and even Wisconsin Dells. But it’s also an area that grows a lot of human consumption food like sweet corn, peas, beans, potatoes, peppers etc…
Adams County, Wisconsin Real Estate for Sale - Homes | Land | Commercial | Condos | Waterfront | Log Homes | Farming | Mobiles
Adams County Wisconsin
Information on Adams County, Wisconsin
- Community Website - https://adams-wi.com - Events Calendar, News Forum & Local Directory
- Government County Website - http://www.co.adams.wi.gov
- Info - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adams_County,_Wisconsin
- Adams County, WI News Links - https://adams-wi.com/news-links.html
Maps for Adams County, Wisconsin
- GIS - Geographic Information System - Adams County, WI Parcel Map - https://wisconsin-wi.com/wisconsin-gis-maps.html
- DOT County Map - http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/travel/maps/docs/counties/adams.pdf
- Google Map - http://maps.google.com/maps?q=adams+county&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&oe=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x8800b9f43c66dc39:0x3b37c40dc593d37,Adams,+Wisconsin&gl=us&ei=jm5iTvCaLIGgtwf04bSoCg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=8&ved=0CFMQ8gEwBw
- Lakes of Adams Co - https://adams-wi.com/lakes-adams-county-wisconsin.html
- Township in Adams Cty. - https://adams-wi.com/adams-county-wi-townships.html
Local Events, Festivals & Event Calendar
- Festivals & Events - https://adams-wi.com/Month/
- Tourism - https://adams-wi.com
- Local Business Directory - https://adams-wi.com/LOCAL-DIRECTORY/
Newspapers, TV, Radio & News
- Adams County, WI. News Forum - https://adams-wi.com/List-forums/
- Adams Friendship Times Reporter - N/A
- Topix News - http://www.topix.com/county/adams-wi
- Radio - http://www.radioreference.com/apps/db/?ctid=3052
Land Records, Tax information, Register of Deeds
ATV Routes & Snowmobile Trails
- ATV Maps - https://atv-wi.com/ATV-Maps.html
- ATV Trails - http://www.monroeprairieatvclub.com/trail_maps.html
- Snowmobile Coordinators - http://dnr.wi.gov/org/caer/cfa/LR/Snowmobile/trails.html
Population & Census Data - http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/55/55001.html
Parks -
- Adams County Parks - http://www.adamscountyparkswi.com/
- Friendship Park - https://adamsfriendship.com/Friendship_Park.html
- Lake Arrowhead Park - https://trilakeswi.com/lake-arrowhead.html & Photos - http://www.photo-wi.com/gallery2/v/Wisconsin_Lakes/Adams_County/Arrowhead_Lake/
Lodging, Motels, Hotels, Resorts & Lodging - http://local.yahoo.com/results;_ylt=AsdjWQS938fmiQeY6V3fqn2bvZx4?p=motels&csz=adams%2C+wi&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-419
Photos & Pictures
- Area Images - http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=ashland+county+wi&FORM=BIFD#
Adams County Photos - http://www.photo-wi.com/gallery2/v/Wisconsin_Lakes/Adams_County/
Wisconsin Photos & Pictures - http://www.photo-wi.com
Adams, WI. County Schools
- School District of Ashland - http://www.af.k12.wi.us
- Mid State College - http://www.mstc.edu/adams.htm
- Area School Map - http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&safe=off&rls=com.microsoft:en-US&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=ashland+county+wi+schools&fb=1&gl=us&hq=schools&hnear=ashland+county+wi&view=text&ei=t0tPS8vBLJXONZOe2IUJ&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=more-results&resnum=1&ved=0CB4QtQMwAA
- Adams Township - is home to the City of Adams and Friendship Village where the county seat...
- Big Flats Township - known for it’s ATV routes, Snowmobile trails, thousands of acres of public land, Big Roche-a-Cri Lake...
- Colburn Township - is known for the Colburn Wildlife Area which is about 5,000 acres almost 8 square miles of public...
- Dell Prairie Township - is known for several miles of Wisconsin River frontage bordering the Westside and separating Adams County from...
- Easton Township - is home to both Grand Marsh, home of the original Grand Marsh State Bank and White Creek named after White Creek which flows...
- Jackson Township - is mostly known for its fishing lakes and the famous Neenah Creek trout stream and watershed. Jordon Lake offers 213 skiable acres and...
- Leola Township - is Adams County most North Eastern township and mostly consists of farm land owned by a small number of people plus there are a couple of large parcels of State...
- Lincoln Township - for the most part is a farming community and has only half dozen tiny unnamed lakes plus Lawrence Creek which flows...
- Monroe Township - is primarily a recreational area with about 10 miles of Lake Petenwell frontage, thousands of acres of Wisconsin River Power Company & Plum Creek Timberland property which...
- New Chester Township - has two smaller communities. Brooks and Grand Marsh, home of the original Grand Marsh State Bank. The Union Pacific Railroad runs diagonally through...
- New Haven Township - is mostly 40+ acre parcels and shares Mason Lake and with Marquette County to the east. Mason lake has the southern most...
- Preston Township - has the only State Park in Adams County; Roche-A-Cri State Park. The park features Roche-A-Cri Mound which has 303 steps all the way to...
- Quincy Township - is home to Castle Rock County Park on Wisconsin’s 4th largest body of water, Castle Rock Lake. Castle Rock Hydro Dam helps regulate the water levels of...
- Richfield Township - is home of “The Landman” and is primarily a farming area on the eastern side and more wetlands on the..
- Rome Township - is the most northwest township in Adams County and is most known for the Tri-Lakes; Lake Arrowhead 300 acres, Lakes Sherwood 246 acres & Lake...
- Springville Township - is located at the southern end of Adams County and borders the Wisconsin River to the West. This township has...
- Strongs Prairie Township- borders plenty of frontage on Castle Rock Lake and Lake Petenwell along the West side. Roche-A-Cri Creek flows through the township and...
Ashland County, Wisconsin – Cities, Towns, Villages, Municipalities & Communities
- Agenda
- Ashland
- Butternut
- Chippewa
- Clam Lake
- Gingles
- Glidden
- Gordon
- Jacobs
- La Pointe
- Marengo
- Mellen
- Morse
- Odanah
- Peeksville
- Sanborn
- Shanagolden
- White River
Ashland County, Wisconsin Lakes
- Alex Pond
- Augustine Lake
- Bad River Slough
- Bay Spring
- Big Bay Lagoon
- Butternut Lake
- Cammerer Lake
- Caroline Lake
- Conley Lake
- Cub Lake
- Cycle Lake
- Day Lake
- Dead Horse Slough
- Ditmans Lake
- Dry Lake
- East Twin Lake
- English Lake
- Eureka Lake
- Gilbert Lake
- Gordon Lake
- Hoffman Lake
- Honest John Lake
- John Frank Lake
- Kakagon Slough
- Kempf Springs
- Kenyon Springs
- Knab Lake
- Lake Galilee
- Lake Three
- Lindbergh Lake
- Little Clam Lake
- Luebke Lake
- McCarthy Lake
- McKaskel Lake
- Meder Lake
- Mineral Lake
- Moquah Lake
- Pictured Rock Lake
- Pole Lake
- Sand Cut Slough
- Seagels Lake
- Seitz Lake
- Sells Lake
- Snoose Lake
- Snowshoe Lake
- Spillerberg Lake
- Tea Lake
- Torrey Lake
- Twin Lakes, East
- Upper Clam Lake
- West Twin Lake
- White River Flowage
- Wolfs Pond
- Woodtick Lake
- Zielke Lake
Creeks & Streams in Ashland County, Wisconsin
- Augustine Creek
- Ballou Creek
- Bay City Creek
- Bear Creek
- Beartrap Creek
- Beaver Creek
- Bell Creek
- Billy Creek
- Black Creek
- Bosner Creek
- Brush Creek
- Butternut Creek
- Camerons Creek
- Camp Fifteen Creek
- Camp Four Creek
- Camp Fourteen Creek
- Camp Six Creek
- City Creek
- Deer Creek
- Denomie Creek
- Devils Creek
- Dingdong Creek
- Dorns Creek
- Dryden Creek
- East Branch Augustine Creek
- Edies Creek
- Elm Creek
- Feldcher Creek
- Fishtrap Creek
- Frames Creek
- Gehrman Creek
- Gravelly Brook
- Happy Creek
- Hardscrabble Creek
- Hay Creek
- Hell Hole Creek
- Hildebrandt Creek
- Hinder Creek
- Hoffman Creek
- Hungry Run
- Hurd Creek
- Hyms Creek
- Kelp Creek
- Knab Creek
- Krause Creek
- Little Beartrap Creek
- Magee Creek
- McCarthy Creek
- Meadow Creek
- Meyers Creek
- Mineral Creek
- Minnie Creek
- Minnow Creek
- Montreal Creek
- Morgan Creek
- Morrison Creek
- Muskellunge Creek
- Nawago Creek
- Nelson Creek
- Opergard Creek
- Pine Creek
- Reins Creek
- Rins Creek
- Rock Creek
- Rocky Run
- Schraum Creek
- Scott-Taylor Creek
- Sheridan Creek
- Silver Creek
- Smith Creek
- Snoose Creek
- Spider Creek
- Spiller Creek
- Spillerberg Creek
- Spring Brook
- Squaw Creek
- Sugarbush Creek
- Swamp Creek
- Tafelski Creek
- Thornapple Creek
- Toskis Creek
- Trout Brook
- Troutmere Creek
- Tyler Fks
- Vaughn Creek
- Waboo Creek
- Weber Creek
- West Branch Denomie Creek
- Whisky Creek
- White River
- Willerth Creek
- Winks Creek
- Wood Creek Slough
Rivers in Ashland County, WI.
- Bad River
- Brunsweiler River
- East Fork Chippewa River
- East Torch River
- Flambeau River
- Iron River
- Kakagon River
- Little Moose River
- Marengo River
- Moose River
- Potato River
- Torch River
- West Fork Chippewa River
- West Torch River