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 Butterfly Rearing | Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Stage 4Stage 5

Butterfly Rearing  By: Tanya Rothe



Butterfly rearing also known as Butterfly Hatching or Raising Butterflies has become a favorite, seasonal pastime for residents for quite some time now.  Springtime brings new life all around and being able to have the chance to experience all the stages of the life cycle is a chance in a lifetime experience.  After raising the creature from egg to adult butterfly, being able to watch it fly away into the wild gives you such an amazing feeling.  It is a much simpler process than it looks and pretty much anyone can do it with just a few household items.  First, it is important to know all of the steps in the life cycle of the butterfly so that you know what type of equipment and supplies you will need. 


Butterfly Rearing / Hatching Photos & Pictures



There are five stages in the rearing process of the life cycle of the butterfly.  They are: collecting the caterpillar eggs, transferring the eggs to a safe environment, raising the caterpillars after they are hatched, watching the creation of the Chrysalis or cocoon, and the final project; the adult butterfly.  Each stage is so intense that it will keep you captivated right up until the end.

A big part of butterfly rearing is to help increase the butterfly population especially in rare species because the life expectancy from egg to mature adult if very low in the wild.  Butterfly / Caterpillar eggs are prone to killed by predators, parasites, disease and even weather.


 Butterfly Rearing | Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Stage 4Stage 5


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