Roche-A-Cri State Park
Welcome to the home of Turkey Vultures, Whitetail, Squirrels and the Red Fox. Roche-A-Cri State Park established in 1948 is 605 acres of woods, prairie plus Roche-A-Cri Mound. This unique State Park has many different recreational activities from sight-seeing to hiking 303 steps up the top of Roche A Cri Mound. Several rest areas offer different settings where you can enjoy a nice picnic. There are 41 rustic campsites available and the park even offer's campfire wood for your convenience. If you wish to climb the hill, there is a 300 foot stairway that includes resting places along the way. During your journey through Roche-A-Cri State Park, you will find areas that tell the history of the hill. At the top is a platform that will allow you to see 10 different counties, many great Lakes, Friendship Mound, and plenty of other unique places for discovery.