General Wisconsin Information
Cottonville / Big Flats Wildfire - In the morning of May 5th 2005, Wisconsin's worst forest fire of the past 25 years was started just East of Big Roche-A-Cri Lake. The fire spread into 3 Townships of Adams County over the course of 11 hours; Big Flats, Preston and Colburn...
Educaiton & Politics - Wisconsin is a wonderful state to educate your child or to further your education. We have 2,000 elementary schools, 417 middle schools, and 578 high schools to choose from. Each of these schools has different tolerance rules, ways of teaching, and...
General Wisconsin Profile - Here you'll find a quick break down for Wisconsin...
History of WI - Welcome to Wisconsin, home of the cheese heads and badgers. Wisconsin has been around for quite some time now and continually adds to the timeline, making its history more and heritage...
Recreation in WI - If you are looking for a fun place with plenty of stuff to do, then Wisconsin is your place. There are tons of recreational areas and activities for you to do all over the state. Whether it is skiing or shopping; Wisconsin has it for you. There are varieties of activities and attractions...
Sightseeing in Wisconsin - Welcome to Wisconsin; the home of many memorable landmarks and places to make your sightseeing time unforgettable. No matter where you go in Wisconsin, you are always going to be around something or some place that will just capture your attention...
The Wisconsin Economy - Wisconsin has a growing economy that fluctuates every day that passes. Back in the 1960s iron mining was a major income but only for a brief moment. Soon after that; sand, lime and many other mineral resources. Those resources