Wisconsin Mallard Ducks
Mallard ducks are a truly amazing animal. Almost anybody can recognize a mallard. They have very distinctive features that capture a lot of attention. If it is mating season for the mallards, you will notice that the males get a lot more colorful than the females. You will also see that the female mallard ducks have white and brown feathers unlike the males to help them blend into the surroundings. Wisconsin mallard ducks have many features to them that help them survive in the world.
Mallard Ducks in WI
Mallard ducks are found throughout the entire world and are very abundant so there aren't any worries yet about extinction or low population. Mallards are known to be the most abundant out of all the species of waterfowls. Wisconsin Mallard ducks are very beautiful and are an enjoyable sight to see. Some of the domestic breeds of mallards have even been kept as pets for humans. There aren't too many humans out there that actually hunt mallard ducks. Enjoy their presence because it is amazing and very entertaining.
Name: Mallard Duck
Scientific Name: Anas Platyrynchos
Measurements: weight: 3-3.5 pounds, length: up to 28in, wingspan: up to 40in
Habitat: wetland, upland, parks, lakes, ponds, etc.
Diet: plants, animal foods, grains, insects, mainly water plants
Behavior: feed in early morning or late afternoon, fly in flocks, highly migratory, spend good amount of time cleaning themselves, swimming, and sitting.
Reproduction: October-March, most breed as yearlings, males leave females after mating, 9-13 eggs near water on ground, eggs hatch after 26-28 days
Predators: skunk, crow, raccoon, opossum, snakes, foxes, largemouth bass, musky, and snapping turtles
Life Expectancy: up to 29 years old
Extra Facts: don't have teeth, most recognized waterfowl in the world, only habitat they avoid are small, fast flowing streams
Part of Wisconsin it generally resides: mainly western half of state.