Types of Fish in Wisconsin
Common and Popular Types of Wisconsin Fish
- Bigmouth Buffalo - A fish you might not have heard of before is the Bigmouth Buffalo. This is a very interesting fish. Wisconsin bigmouth buffalo adapt themselves to...
- Channel Catfish - Channel catfish are one of the more popular types of catfish. If you live in the lower portion of the state, you will more than likely...
- Crayfish - Are like mini freshwater Lobster which are edible and are used as bait by some anglers (check locate fishing regulations)...
- Largemouth Bass - One of the more popular types of game fish is the largemouth bass. These fish are abundant all over the state, but are...
- Muskellunge, Muskie, Musky - The muskellunge is known as our state fish. If you have tried to catch a musky before, you will know that it can take a large amount of...
- Northern Pike - The northern pike is a very popular fish in Wisconsin also referred to a "Northern" or "Pike". If you like to go ice-fishing, then you should...
- Panfish - There are eleven different varieties of panfish in Wisconsin. Those include Rock Bass, Green Sunfish, Pumpkinseed, Warmouth, Orange spotted Sunfish, Bluegill, Long ear Sunfish, Yellow Perch, White Crappie, and the...
- Rock Bass - If you like a big fight when catching a fish, then the rock bass is the fish for you. Wisconsin rock bass put on a...
- Smallmouth Bass - A very strong fighter for its size is the smallmouth bass. They do not like getting caught so they put up as much of a...
- Tiger Musky - The Tiger Muskellunge is very similar to the Muskellunge. Muskies sometimes spawn with Northern pikes and then you get the...
- Walleye - The focus of many fishermen’s attention is the Wisconsin walleye. The walleye is one of the most prized game fish in this state. They are very...
Wisconsin State Fishing Records - http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Fishing/documents/recordfish/wirecordfish.pdf
ALL Types of Wisconsin Fish
- Alewife -
- American Eel -
- Banded Killifish -
- Bass: Largemouth, Rock, Smallmouth, Striped, White and Yellow -
- Buffalos: Bigmouth, Smallmouth and Black -
- Bullheads: Black, Brown and Yellow -
- Bluegill -
- Bloater -
- Bowfin -
- Burbot -
- Carp: Bighead, Common, Grass and Silver -
- Catfish: Blue, Channel and Flathead -
- Central Mudminnow -
- Chub: Gravel, Creek, Hornyhead, Lake, Shoal and Silver -
- Cisco: Blackfin, Deepwater, Shortjaw, and Shortnose -
- Crappie: Black and White -
- Crayfish - No really a fish but a
- Dace: Finescale, Longnose, Northern Redbelly, Pearl, Redside, Southern Redbelly and Western Blacknose -
- Darter: River, Banded, Blackside, Bluntnose, Crystal, Fantail, Gilt, Iowa, Johnny, Least, Mud, Orangethroat, Rainbow, Slenderhead and Western Sand -
- Drum -
- Gar: Longnose, Shortnose and Spotted
- Gizzard Shad -
- Goby: Round & Tubenose -
- Goldeye -
- Goldfish -
- Grass Pickerel -
- Kiyi -
- Lamprey: American Brook, Chestnut, Northern Brook, Sea, Silver and Southern Brook-
- Logperch -
- Madtom: Slender and Tadpole -
- Minnows: Bluntnose, Brassy, Bullhead, Fathead, Mississippi Silvery, Ozark, Pugnose and Suckermouth -
- Mooneye -
- Musky, Muskie and Muskellunge -
- Paddlefish -
- Panfish: Rock Bass, Green Sunfish, Pumpkinseed, Warmouth, Orange spotted Sunfish, Bluegill, Long ear Sunfish, Yellow Perch, White Crappie and Black Crappies -
- Perch: Pirate, White and Yellow -
- Northern Pike -
- Pumpkinseed -
- Quillback -
- Rainbow Smelt -
- Redhorse: Black, Golden, Greater, River Shorthead and Silver -
- Rudd -
- Ruffe -
- Salmon: Atlantic, Chinook, Coho, Kokanee and Pink -
- Sauger -
- Sculpin: Deepwater, Mottled, Slimy and Spoonhead -
- Shiner: Bigmouth, Blackchin, Blacknose, Channel, Common, Emerald, Ghost, Golden, Ironcolor, Mimic, Pallid, Pugnose, Red, Redfin, River, Rosyface / Carmine, Sand, Spotfin, Spottail, Striped and Weed -
- Silverside Brook -
- Skipjack Herring -
- Smallmouth Bass -
- Splake
- Stickleback: Brook, Ninespine and Threespine -
- Stonecat -
- Stoneroller: Central and Largescale -
- Sturgeon: Lake and Shovelnose -
- Sucker: Blue, Longnose, Northern Hog, Spotted and White -
- Sunfish: Green, Longear and Orangespotted -
- Topminnow: Blackstripe and Starhead -
- Tiger Musky -
- Trout: Brook, Brown, Lake and Rainbow -
- Trout-Perch -
- Walleye -
- Warmouth -
- Western Mosquitofish -
- Whitefish: Lake, Pygmy and Round -
Things to Remember when Fishing in Wisconsin: “Practice, Catch and Release” | “Always Check Local Fishing Regulations” | “Bring out what you brought in” | Try catching your own bait | “NO” Dynamite fishing which is dangerous and habitat destructive!
Know your Wisconsin Fish! – Wisconsin Fish Database (Opens in New Window) - http://www.wiscfish.org/fishid/frames.aspx
FREE Downloadable Fish Identification CD - http://www.wiscfish.org
[ Also Checkout Wisconsin Fishing ]