Wisconsin Black Bears
Wisconsin Black Bears have many features to its body parts. The black bear's teeth adapt to the varieties of plants and animals that it eats. Their nose is also very helpful in smelling; they are able to smell better than humans. Wisconsin black bears have a very large brain that helps makes them very smart and gives them good memory. The habitat of black bears is usually in wooded areas where they have plenty of shelter. They don't seem to stay in one place very long though. Black Bears tend to travel around a lot in search for food. Did you know that male bears will share their territories with each other, but the females won't?
Black Bear
If the black bear is lean and strong, they have the ability to run as fast as thirty mph! Imagine being chased by something moving that fast. An unfortunate disadvantage for Wisconsin black bears is that a large number of them get hunted by humans either for their thick fur or their meat. A lot of the baby bears tend to die from starvation once they leave their parents. Some haven't quite learned how to make it out in the world. Most black bears don't attack humans unless they are provoked; so enjoy the sight of the bears, but still keep your distance away. Unlike some other animals, black bears don't have too many predators. Their enemies include: humans, wolves, grizzly bears, and other black bears.
Ursus Americanus
Name: Wisconsin Black Bears
Scientific Name: Ursus americanus
Measurements: female weight: 100-200lbs, male weight: 150-400lbs, shoulder height: 3ft, length: 4-6ft
Habitat: mostly wooded areas, hibernate in northern Wisconsin, some use trees for beds for cubs
Diet: vegetation, plants, fish, carrion, fruit, nuts, acorns, insects, greens, and meat.
Behavior: solitary, make woof sounds when startled, active half hour before sunrise, takes naps during day, and goes to bed hour after sunset
Reproduction: male sexual maturity: 5-6 years old, female sexual maturity: 4-5 years old, mate June-mid July, pregnant for 220 days, usually 2-3 cubs
Predators: humans, wolves, grizzly bears, other black bears
Life Expectancy: 21-33 years if not killed
Extra Facts: generally won't attack humans if cubs are being taken, don't get that big
Part of Wisconsin it generally resides: mainly northern WI, but some in central.
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Wisconsin Black Bear
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