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Wisconsin Red Fox
The Wisconsin red fox is one of the most beautiful, yet peculiar animals walking the Earth. If you get the chance to see a red fox nearby, take a picture because it will be a memory worth revisiting. Did you know that the red fox can be found in other countries including: Japan, Asia, Britain, and Europe? The red fox is another animal that is born blind; however, after a couple of weeks they are able to see the world around them.
Fox Videos - https://wisconsin-wi.com/fox-videos.html
Vulpes Vulpes
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One interesting fact about the WI red fox is that unlike wolves and other dogs, they don't form packs. They generally stay alone unless they are with their family. The red fox will travel around a lot, but will usually stay in the same home area for their whole life. Once they start a family, both the male and female will watch over the young to make sure they are well protected. One of many advantages that they have acquired is a strong sense of vision, smell, and touch. These are their best senses.
Name: Wisconsin Red Fox
Scientific Name: Vulpes vulpes
Measurements: length: 3 ½ ft, weight: 9-12lbs
Habitat: forests, prairies, farmland
Diet: mice, rabbit, berries, insects, squirrels, birds, garbage
Behavior: avid hunter, slowly approach prey, then pounce on them. Eat almost anything, nocturnal.
Reproduction: mate in January, have 5-6 babies in March, babies can go out on own after 7 or 8 months old.
Predators: coyotes, wolves, eagles, bears, mountain lions, humans-biggest predator
Life Expectancy: up to 12 years old in captivity, up to 3 years old in wild.
Extra Facts: very fast, can be all black, can hear quiet noises 150ft away, don't really fight-just run in groups and growl at others.
Part of Wisconsin it generally resides: mainly in southern, central, and western portions of Wisconsin.
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Red Fox Pups (Babies) Playing - Video
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