Wisconsin River Journey
Wisconsin River Start to Finish: The Wisconsin River's long journey starts at the very northern part of Wisconsin in Vilas County at Lac Vieux Desert Lake, which is in both Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The river flows on a south western path through most of the state. From the Lake Lac Vieux Desert, the Wisconsin River meets up with Eagle River at the South-end of Vilas County flows to Rainbow Flowage in Oneida Cty, which was formed by the Rainbow Flowage Dam. Moving onto Rhinelander Flowage, also known as Boom Lake in Rhinelander that was also formed by a manmade dam. From there the Mighty Wisconsin River enters Lincoln Co passing through Alice Lake into Lake Mohawks which was formed by the Tomahawk Dam in Tomahawk, WI. The River now heading on a more southerly course flows pass Merrill where I-51 follows the Wisconsin River into Marathon County to Wausau entering Wausau Lake. Still heading South flowing into Mosinee Flowage passing Mosinee, WI into Lake DuBay, which was formed by a Hydro dam that creates electric power for the area.
Wisconsin River
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Now in Portage Cty, the Wisconsin River forms the Wisconsin River Flowage by Stevens Point. From Stevens Point, the river starts heading a little more westerly into the Biron Flowage in Wood County through Wisconsin Rapids and its Dam which is now flowing into Wisconsin's 2nd largest inland body of water, Lake Petenwell, between Adams & Juneau Counties passing through the Petenwell Hydro Dam. Just South of Petenwell Flowage is Castle Rock Lake; Wisconsin’s 4th Largest inland lake with its own hydro dam also creates power for the area. Both Lake Petenwell and Castle Rock Lake are popular vacation hotspots just North of Wisconsin Dells.
Wisconsin River Flowage System
The majestic Wisconsin River enters Columbia Cty on a South eastern path flowing through “The Dells” cutting into the sandstone creating some amazing rock formations and views. There it passes Portage, WI making a turn towards the West flowing through Lake Wisconsin passing Sauk City forming the border between Sauk Co and Dane County; then between Sauk and Iowa Cty. Now forming the borders between Iowa and Richland Counties after Lone Rock, WI moving southwest forming the Richland Co and Grant County borders. The Wisconsin River is almost done creating the borders between Crawford and Grant Counties passing Boscobel WI to Wyalusing State Park; after the 430 mile journey the MIGHTY Wisconsin River finally flows into the GREAT Mississippi River which separates the states of Iowa from Wisconsin.
Wisconsin River Properties for Sale
Wisconsin River Waterfront Homes for Sale