Wisconsin Whitetail Deer
When they are running away from predators, whitetail deer have the ability to run at high speeds and jump very high fences. Their legs look like springs when they jump. White-tailed deer are very strong animals. Their bodies allow them to survive through different types and conditions of habitats. A lot of white-tailed deer have been known to get killed by oncoming traffic when crossing the roads. A very large portion of them also get killed during various hunting seasons. Another unfortunate downfall for the deer is that they sometimes acquire lice, mites, and roundworm. More Wisconsin Wildlife!
Wisconsin Deer
Whitetail Deer Photos; Bucks, Does & Fawns in WI
Wisconsin Fawns
Some humans consider them as pests because white-tailed deer sometimes eat gardens and crops started by the humans. White-tailed deer have four main predators: humans, wolves, mountain lions, and dogs. They may have other predators, but these are the main ones that they have to worry about. If they don't get killed, white-tailed deer have been known to live up to fifteen years in the wild. Did you know that white-tailed deer are very good swimmers? Also, in order to keep predators away from their fawns, does only visit their young three to four times a day. White-tailed deer are a very interesting animal. Keep your distance, but enjoy their presence. It is a delight!
Wisconsin Bucks
Video - https://wisconsin-wi.com/monster-bucks-of-mason-lake-wi.html
Name: White-Tailed Deer
Scientific Name: Odocoileus virginianus
Measurements: length: 71in, shoulder height: 31in, male weight: 150lbs, female weight: 110lbs
Habitat: wooded areas, deep grass and swamps, farmlands, and brushy areas
Diet: buds and twigs of maple, sassafras, poplar, aspen, and birch. Shrubs, brush, some fruits and plants
Behavior: nervous and shy, wave tail back and forth when startled, don't migrate during winter, generally solitary
Reproduction: sexual maturity: 2 years old, mate October to December, pregnant for 6 ½ months, 1 fawn at first year of mating, 2 fawns after that.
Predators: humans, wolves, mountain lions, and dogs
Life Expectancy: up to 15 years old
Extra Facts: very good swimmers, coats change colors between seasons, grow and shed antlers annually, to divert predators-does only visit fawns 3-4 times a day.
Part of Wisconsin it generally resides: All over Wisconsin
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